
To acquire and build this library, you will need to have git and cmake installed. You may also want one-or-more of the following optional 3rd-party libraries:

  • an MPI distribution (eg. OpenMPI)
  • CUDA (if you have an NVidia GPGPU installed).

With these installed, you will need to:

  1. acquire the code from GitHub;
  2. configure it with cmake; and
  3. build it with make

Alternatively (an perhaps more-often-than-not), you may want to add gbpSID as a submodule to another project. In either case, each of these steps is described in more detail below.

Acquiring the code

It is intended that the latest commit on the ‘master’ branch will always be the best version to develop with. To acquire it, simply clone it from GitHub:

git clone

However, if you want to download the latest version specifically tagged as a standardized release, try this:

git clone --branch "`git ls-remote --tags | sed 's|.*/\(.*\)$|\1|' | grep -v '\^' | sort -t. -k1,1nr -k2,2nr -k3,3nr`"

Configuring the library

Once cloned, create a build directory (for example):

cd gbpSID
mkdir build

Then move to that directory and run cmake on the project directory (i.e. the directory where the file CMakeLists.txt is located):

cd build
cmake ..

Several options can be passed to cmake to tailor gbpSID to your needs. These are as follows:


Building the library

Once configured with cmake, the project can be built by moving to the build directory and running the following:


To install the project, specify the installation directory as follows:

make DESTDIR=<full-path-to_installation-location> install

Building the documentation

Once cmake has been run, documentation can be built by running the following from the build directory:

make docs

This will place a .pdf version of the documentation in the directory docs and an html version in docs/html/docs.

Installing as a submodule